MDes Interior Design School of Design

Yingyue Hong (she/her)

Yingyue is an interior and special designer focused on retail space and reinventing the consumer shopping experience. The Metaverse is getting a lot of attention and interests her to imagine how people live, work, play, socialize and shop within them. She enjoys the challenges of exploring the design of digital retail stores in a mixed reality future lifestyle.

A Digital Retail Store with Selling Dreams

A Digital Retail Store with Selling Dreams

This project focuses on exploring the possibilities of retail stores within the Metaverse in the future. The metaverse would be a highly interactive three-dimensional virtual world. How people shop within them will need to be considered when a mixed reality future lifestyle is rapidly evolving, especially after the impact of the COVID pandemic. Virtual products can be collectable or experienced with technological improvement which plays a very important role in shopping within the Metaverse. In this case, speculative design is the essential theory for the whole project because it helps to imagine and speculate the future critically and logically based on new tech and science to explore the future implications of those technologies. It mentions the concept of the preferable future, which means a better future.

The study of dreams is still uncharted territory. Currently,  part of the problem with analysing dreams is that researchers must rely on the descriptions given to them by dreams. That may not always be accurate or complete. The scientific study of dreams needs to collect a large amount of data on dreams. Thus, the functionality of a digital store is not only selling and experiencing dreams but also storing and recording dreams for scientific research.

a dream within a dream-floor plan

Preparation area-1

Preparation area-2

a multi-functional space

displaying dreams

choosing the dreams

Recording dreams

online community