MLitt Fine Art Practice School of Fine Art

Shufen Wang

Shufen Wang studies and lives in Glasgow, drawing her life and idea with abstract visual language.

Exhibitions: ‘Early Days’, Barns Garage Space, GSA(2021); ‘Strewn Taboos’, Barns Garage Space, GSA(2022); ‘Undeniable’, Barns Garage Space, GSA(2022).

Again and Again
To See is To Desire

Again and Again

The magical realism story, ‘Again and Again’ mainly expounds the feminist theme in the form of a fictional world. The story is divided into three chapters, which briefly tells, on the planet S, the community life which is under the coercive system about the production of people in Sand Town, and when the protagonist of the story fled to the city of Colonia, the life over there that existed in the original Utopia eventually slipped to the repeated fate same as Sand Town. I try to use the non-linearity of time as the narrative logic and minor literature as the narrative language style to construct a world of magical realism. Incorporate the real story of the realistic world into surreal fantastic world, a new space-time, to reflect the plight of women’s rights and reproductive freedom, and the repetition of male-dominated patriarchal discourse system in a metaphorical way.

I try to build a ‘world’ through a repetitive methodology of screen printing on fabric with text, which reflect on the repetition of the male-dominated patriarchal discourse system.

Again and Again

1.Wax and glass wax,30x30x45cm; 2.Text screen printing on fabric, 280x300cm
For Sale: £900

Again and Again

Again and Again


Again and Again

VIsual Pleasure2022

Screen printing on paper 60x90cm
For Sale: £300

To See is To Desire

‘ To see is to desire’ is a pair work. The abstract style face on the left and the blurred facial features on right piece express the female-gaze.

To see is to desire 2022

Sculptural Relief Drawing on clay and casting with Jesmonite 80× 50cm
For Sale: £800

To see is to desire 2022

Screen printing on canvas 60x85cm
For Sale: £600



Drawing and printing on plaster casting 60x90cm
For Sale: £900


Acrylic and ink on canvas 220x142cm
For Sale: £1000


Untitled 2022

Soft pastel, acrylic and ink on canvas 210 x160cm
For Sale: £700

Something had gone 2022

Acrylic and ink on fabric 70 x110cm
For Sale: £500