MLitt Art Writing School of Fine Art

Marie-Chantal Hamrock (she/her)

Using relics and inscrutable objects, I create surreal and complex narratives, hinting at arcane and clandestine revelations. I seek to blur the line between the real and the imagined through a multi-disciplinary practice, working across drawing, performance, writing, and object-making.

The Pettiscope
Good Lighting at the CCA
Gestural Performance for a Pettiscope
The Pettiscope – Book

The Pettiscope

Good Lighting at the CCA

An evening of reading, performance and screening presented by the MLitt Art Writing at The Glasgow School of Art.

The Pettiscope was performed on stage at the CCA Theatre as part of the Yellow Paper launch.

Gestural Performance for a Pettiscope

I drift into the flimsy strands of a dream:


Above the green leather sofa,

A dark landscape,

A horse drawn carriage

A sad man by a lake

Whistling a secret tune


I could not be saved from what I heard –


Beware the lonely kettle

How it used to bubble merrily


But now the pool – incandescent and sacramental –

sits darkly in the cistern

Baptised anew.


This! This is the triple incarnation of mind, flesh, and wood! This is the liturgical whisper, the voice of purgatory, the cradling confessional box, the writing table, the stage. There is no fool like an old fool and this is the living tomb.

The Pettiscope – Book

A small publication produced to go along with the sculptures and performance.

The Pettiscope book acts as a contextualising script or rehearsal for the final activation of the work, culminating in a reading and gestural performance.