MDes Interior Design School of Design

Jialu Li

This image is a representation of the dream self caught in an infinite loop of escape, with someone behind it chasing and threatening itself.

I am a graduate student in interior design. I am interested in speculative design and thinking about the infinite possibilities that come with uncertainty. My designs tend to be more of a painful and unrestrained imagination, allowing the imagination to wander freely, which is a privilege belonging to young designers. It is what we should do to make tradition novel and conformity to independence. While studying books on interior design theory, I also like to explore sociological and psychological knowledge, which better supports my learning and development of discursive design.

Escape to Dreamland
This image is a representation of the dream self caught in an infinite loop of escape, with someone behind it chasing and threatening itself.

Escape to Dreamland

The name of the project is “Escape to the Dream World”. Initially inspired by my personal dreams, I want to explore the deeper meaning of dreams to people’s lives and their personalities through this project. Through reading various books on dream psychology theory, I categorized dreams into three interpretations: metaphor, consciousness, and escape. I then translate these three concepts into a concrete interior space to help people better interpret their dreams and thus understand themselves better. As Jung suggested, dreams compensate for the attitude of self-consciousness and unveil the unconscious. We thus understand and help to improve our own personality.

Glossary of the Five patterns of dreams

One of my definitions of dreaming is consciousness. Dreams expose the subconscious mind of a person. I based the content on a general model of dream content classification, word list formation and final spatial translational design.

Pattern 01: No dream ego present In the dream

There is no dream ego present, the dreamer just observes a scene. In some cases, the dream ego flies above and looks down on a scene or happenings in the dream.

Pattern 01: No dream ego present In the dream

Pattern 01: No dream ego present In the dream

PATTERN 02: The dream ego is threatened.

In dreams of this kind the dream ego is threatened, e.g. atacked or injured, and usually tries to escape or protect itself against the threatening figures.

PATTERN 02: The dream ego is threatened.

PATTERN 02: The dream ego is threatened.

Pattern 03: The dream ego is confronted with a performance requirement

The dream ego is confronted with a task which it has to fulfill. Examination in a school or university setting.
The dream ego has no idea where to go, even where it is and there are no signs of direction etc. So he is finding a way to go out.

Pattern 04: Mobility dream

The dream ego has no idea where to go, even where it is and there are no signs of direction etc. So he is finding a way to go out.

Pattern 04: Mobility dream

Pattern 05: Social interaction dream

The dream ego wants to get in contact with another person, or is in communication and attempts to communicate something to the other person.

Pattern 05: Social interaction dream

Pattern 05: Social interaction dream